
9th February 2022 | By Ben Pledger
Manchester Airport boosted by over 500 job opportunities following mass exodus of staff during pandemicManchester Airport has announced a jobs boost and is looking to recruit 500 people in security, customer services and hospitality positions. Hundreds of extra jobs are...

30th October 2020 | By Matthew Kay
4,000 new jobs for Manchester residents as Harry Styles invests in new music venueMore than 4,000 new jobs for Manchester residents will be created as Harry Styles invests in the new Co-op Live arena. Harry Styles announced that...

26th November 2018 | By Harriet Mills
Campaign launched to encourage businesses to employ the homelessHire the Homeless is a campaign to encourage businesses in Manchester to employ homeless people in a bid to tackle the rising tide of homelessness in...

13th October 2017 | By nq_admin
Teenage lifeguard aims to save lives with the policeLife is hectic enough for 19-year-old lifeguard Emily Balshaw but soon it could become a lot more hectic and even end up with her saving lives....