empowerment in action: Fallowfield residents forge their community’s destiny

  • residents gather at the Fallowfield library for your community your voice event
  • Organisers make room for residents to vote for selected projects proposals
  • Southway Housing Trust promises to helps communities fund beneficial projects

Residents of Fallowfield came together yesterday (18 May) for the Your Community Your Voice event, held at The Place at Platt Lane, Fallowfield Library. 

This event, a key part of the Your Community Your Fund initiative supported by Southway, provided locals the opportunity to have a direct impact on future projects in their neighbourhood.

The event, running from 12 pm to 3 pm, saw a vibrant turnout as community members gathered to review and vote on a shortlist of over twenty project bids. These bids, submitted by residents eager to enhance their local area, covered a range of ideas from environmental improvements to social events.

The Southway Housing Trust Team, counsellors of Fallowfield and a Member of Manchester City Council at Your Community Your Voice event at Fallowfield’s library. credit- Emmanuella coffie

This initiative, backed by Southway, aimed to give locals a direct say in which community projects should receive funding. 

Luke Benfield, head of customers, and communications at Southway Housing Trust said: “This is the first time we have done something like this, and we advertised it on social media where people could apply easily to be part of this initiative. The goal is to give people the opportunity to come along and bring their ideas to make them happen.”

Participants presenting project ideas at the event. credit -Emmanuella Coffie

About the project

Each bid, having undergone a rigorous selection process, stood a chance to receive up to £500 to bring their ideas to reality. Projects ranged from setting up community gardens and organizing local events to enhancing public spaces and running an educational workshop.

Participants at the event were given the chance to review each proposal and cast their votes on the ones they believed would make significant positive on their community. 

Participants from Fallowfield at the event share opinions

Kattie Kincaid, a participant said: “We heard of this initiative from an email that was circulated by the Manchester city council, and it is a positive initiative to support the community. My project focuses on Shakespeare Gardens and Platt Fields Park. These gardens are open all the time to everybody, and everyone uses but now our roses are incredibly old and need support, so I came here for that support.” 

Kenny, from global links also added that this initiative is an exceptionally good one. She said: “In the room were so many ideas of what people are doing and I enjoyed myself with my ideas and what other people in the community are doing. I think this initiative will benefit the entire community because there were other ideas about wellbeing and the environment along with others.” 

The event highlighted the power of collective action and the importance of resident involvement in local decision-making. As the winning projects move forward, the sense of accomplishment and unity within the community is expected to grow even stronger. 

Looking forward 

The Your Community Your Voice event is a shining example of how local initiatives can drive positive change. By involving residents directly in the decision-making process, Southway and the community have set a precedent for future projects. Promising other areas of future projects to help support their ideas.

Updates on the progress of the funded projects will be available through Southway’s communication channels at Welcome to Southway | Southway Housing