The Levenshulme queer run club gaining popularity

  • Manchester has one of the largest queer communities in Britain
  • The new club welcomes people from all around Manchester
  • Activities will be decided by members

A new club geared towards members of the LGBTQ+ community has launched in Manchester, with organisers hoping the club will attract queer people from around the city.

The Levy Queer Club was launched as a way to give queer people from around Levenshulme, and the rest of Manchester, a safe space to meet and find other members of the community.

Who falls under the LGBTQ+ banner?

LGBTQ+ is an umbrella term which covers a large array of sexualities, such as gay, bisexual, pansexual, queer and many others. It also encompasses different gender identities such as transsexual and non-binary. The club’s founders, Laurie and Grace, have made it clear that anyone from under the LGBTQ+ umbrella is welcome to attend.

The fact that the club is only being formed now is something of a surprise, seeing that Greater Manchester is such a LGBTQ+ heavy area with the city of Manchester having the largest LGBTQ+ community in the North of England.

Manchester has one of the largest populations that do not identify as heterosexual or cisgender in the United Kingdom. Credit: Raphael Boyd

What will it include?

Whilst they are the founders, Laurie and Grace have said that they will not be dictating all of the club’s activities, and that the direction it takes will be influenced by its members. 

Grace said that for the community ‘the aim is that we would like the club to be run by the community itself’, adding that ‘we can only bring our own lived experiences into this. And that, you know, wouldn’t be right for us to sort of make decisions on behalf of other people who will have very different experiences.

The club first convened last month, with it having to be relocated to a bigger room than originally planned due to the turnout being so high.

The duo say that they have been blown away by the reaction, with Laurie saying they have already had people reach out to help, saying ‘straightaway, and we’ve had people offer to help with sessions about something or offer their skills up for sessions that have to do with crafts and lots of different things’.

Ultimately, Laurie said they hope that the club presents ‘ an opportunity to kind of have a say in how they want the club to support them, and what kind of space they want the club to provide for them going forwards.

Where and when does it take place?

The club meets on the last Tuesday of every month at Levenshulme Old Library, and any member of the queer community in or around Levenshulme is encouraged to come. As stated, the activities and direction that the club takes will be shaped by its members.

The Levenshulme Old Library hosts multiple events a week, with Levy Queer Club being the latest. Credit: Raphael Boyd

The club will be one of a few events taking place in Levenshulme in the build up to pride month, with Unheim-Lit, an evening of queer spoken word poetry, recently announced for the end of June. 

If you or anyone you know is interested, you can enquire via their Instagram page linked here.