Withington Baths

Withington Baths interior with pool and refurbished roof. Light reflects in pool water.

28th May 2024 | By Thomas Why

Withington Baths secures £105K Sport England grant

Withington Baths has received a £105K grant from Sport England, as LOVE Withington Baths announces plans to significantly reduce its carbon footprint.

19th May 2023 | By Miles Cooke

Withington Baths frontage restored to former Edwardian glory

After over a year of waiting, vital restoration work is all but complete at a Withington swimming baths once condemned for closure. The frontage of...


18th November 2021 | By Joseph O'Shea

‘We’re really grateful to the council for the loan’: £1m loan to help preserve Withington baths

A £1m loan has  been agreed to help preserve the 110-year-old Withington Baths which has been run by the community since 2015. The loan is...