Universal Credit

28th October 2021 | By Ben Pledger
Foodbanks face dramatic surge in demand following Universal Credit cutThe cut to the £20-a-week increase to Universal Credit has left families in a vulnerable state and reliant on foodbanks to get by, it is claimed. Research...

26th October 2021 | By Emma Mohammad
£20 Universal Credit uplift cut described as ‘indefensible’ by councillor as Mancunians are pushed further into povertyA meeting of Manchester city council was dominated by the cut in the Universal Credit £20 uplift which councillors say has left Mancunians scraping to get by. Councillors implored...

14th October 2021 | By Alimat Akanni
Councillors vote to call on government to protect most vulnerable and cancel cut to universal creditManchester city council is committed to fighting for residents and to do all it can to ensure the most vulnerable are supported and protected, a meeting heard. The...

4th October 2019 | By Isaac Jordan
Manchester faces affordable housing crisis, new research showsManchester faces a dire shortage of affordable homes as families on housing benefit face a rise in poverty levels and being priced out of the...

28th November 2018 | By Rebecca Lucas
A campaign to raise awareness of the importance of food banks and to encourage donationsHungry No More aim is to raise awareness to the importance of food banks across the city and how hard they work to provide a...

13th October 2017 | By nq_admin
Manchester law centre refuses to help implement universal creditManchester’s most prominent law centre is refusing to help implement universal credit and is supporting calls to end its roll-out. Greater Manchester Law Centre (GMLC)...