Sexual Violence

12th December 2018 | By Danielle Wroe
Less than a third of prosecutions brought against young men for rape result in a convictionFigures show that less than a third of prosecutions brought against young men for rape result in a conviction. Senior Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) staff...

27th February 2018 | By nq_admin
Reclaim The Night march sees 2,000 students take to streets to protest against sexual harassmentMore than 2,000 marched along Oxford Road on Thursday as part of the annual Reclaim the Night event. The march saw students, families and campaigners...

6th April 2017 | By nq_admin
Woman asking for a spare cigarette raped at Old Trafford Metrolink car parkA woman was raped in Trafford after being lured into a car park for a cigarette. The woman was on here way to do some...

27th February 2017 | By nq_admin
VIDEO: MMU students help Reclaim The NightLast Thursday, 23 February, over 2,500 women and men of all ages and races marched through Manchester to "Reclaim The Night." The annual march was filled...