
Richard Davis captured under the Hulme Archway. Credit - Makenna Ali

18th May 2024 | By Makenna Ali

Famous photographer Richard Davis shares his fascination with Hulme

Famous photographer Richard Davis shares the story behind his Hulme photography collection book which documents the area from the 1980s to the 1990s.


10th February 2021 | By Joseph Hair

Photographer’s images of the city and nature aim to capture ‘space beyond the city’

When I meet Simon Buckley I’m sat in my living room. In fact I have a sneaking suspicion he is sat in his too, although...


27th September 2020 | By Victoria Thiele

Manchester artist wants to change the world with her book of transgender portraits

A teacher turned award-winning artist has published a book of transgender portraits in the midst of an increasingly fractious debate about gender identity.  You Brought...


18th September 2020 | By Joanna Devany

Hold Still finalist captures the ‘spirit of Manchester’ during COVID-19 crisis

The owner of a Middleton takeaway is “enormously proud” to have been revealed as a finalist in the National Portrait Gallery’s Hold Still exhibition. An image...


4th February 2019 | By Sophia Khan

See My Dunya: central library exhibition shines spotlight on Manchester’s Somali community

See My Dunya exhibition showcases what it's like to be a Somali living in Manchester


30th October 2018 | By Sian McGuinness

There Is A Light That Never Goes Out: photography exhibition celebrates city’s music pedigree

Manchester’s Central Library is currently home to a photography exhibition celebrating the city’s rich music heritage. There is a Light That Never Goes Out (the title...


10th October 2018 | By Isaac Jordan

World Homeless Day photographs depict plight of rough sleepers in Manchester

Today is World Homeless Day, which came about in 2010 with the global aim of drawing attention to the needs of homeless people and provide the...


19th October 2017 | By nq_admin

‘Don’t try and explain the offside rule to me just because I’m female’

It is almost beyond belief that in 2017 sexism still exists in sport. And while the treatment of women in professional sport is rapidly improving, perhaps it is...


7th March 2017 | By nq_admin

Exploring the lens: in-depth interviews with Mancunian photographers

Photography in the city. Such a broad statement and connotes so many things to mind, how do you start? Is it worth your time? If...


7th March 2017 | By nq_admin

Changing faces of Manchester – Interview with Deniss Gimbickis

Manchester has changed. The city is unrecognisable compared to one hundred years ago when everyone wore suits and having a coffee shop down an alleyway...

MMU photography course leader

7th March 2017 | By nq_admin

Photography at MMU – Interview with Richard Page

Famous photographers like Martin Parr, Peter Fraser and Brian Griffin influenced a photography course in the city of Manchester, especially in the late 1960s and...

Deniss Gimbickis

9th December 2015 | By nq_admin

Making It in Manchester

Deniss Gimbickis is a 25-year-old photographer from Latvia living in Manchester. He was born in Russia and came to England a few years ago to...