Councillors standing up from wooden benches and vacating Manchester City Council's second floor chamber

29th January 2025 | By Ed Charlesworth

Labour councillor accused of not listening to constituents’ concerns over children’s safety

Union protesters were escorted out a of council meeting by security after complaints that councillors had ignored concerns from residents about the roadside safety of...

16th May 2024 | By Anna Klekot

Chorlton library being brought back to its ‘heritage design’ as exciting plans are revealed

Chorlton library is currently undergoing major refurbishment to bring the building back to its original grandeur.


8th January 2024 | By Anna Klekot

Latest plans for Manchester’s new arena spark backlash from councillors

Councillors concerned over late opening times of new music venue in Ancoats

Bike Tool Station and Shed at Khizra Mosque Photo: Ruby Qaimkhani

22nd May 2023 | By Ruby Qaimkhani

New bike tool station installed in Cheetham Hill

A mosque in Cheetham Hill is encouraging residents to take up biking instead of using motor vehicles. This is the hopes of helping them to get healthier and decrease obesity while reducing harmful carbon emissions which are having negative effects on the environment.

Police patrol student area

14th December 2018 | By Lewis Finney

Student Safe campaign aims to reduce student related crime

The years spent at university can be the more exciting, formative and inspiring time of anyone life. Whether it’s creating new relationships, developing independence or...