
1st July 2021 | By Georgina Randall
Meet one of the youngest Imams in Britain: a visit to the Darul Amaan MosqueSabah Ahmedi doesn’t have a white beard or wear a thobe (long robe worn by Muslim men) but follows all the disciplines of Islam, praying...

13th May 2020 | By [email protected]
Ramadan: many Muslims are isolated in isolationRamadan is a time for the community to band together and share the experience of the holy month through the act of communal prayer, family...

6th May 2019 | By Hanya Hassan
Places to visit during RamadanRamadan is the ninth month of the Islamic Calendar were Muslims fast from dawn till dusk, not only abstaining from food but from other discouraged...

16th November 2018 | By [email protected]
Islamic charity arrives in Manchester to help in battle against IslamophobiaA series of workshops aimed at combating hate crime is being held at the University of Manchester during Islamophobia awareness month. Members of the university...