
Ancoats Dispensary

30th May 2024 | By Ukamaka Iyede

“Living in this historic apartment is unbelievable”, says tenant at New Ancoats Iconic Landmark

One of Ancoats oldest buildings has been transformed into affordable apartments for average income earners with approvals from the province. The former Ancoats Dispensary building...

Black life matter in white letters on a black background.

16th July 2023 | By Lesley O'Connor

British History with black people playing a positive part

British history with black people in it. Black people are not just slaves you were taught in school in the 1970s. Black British history is...


18th November 2021 | By Joseph O'Shea

‘We’re really grateful to the council for the loan’: £1m loan to help preserve Withington baths

A £1m loan has  been agreed to help preserve the 110-year-old Withington Baths which has been run by the community since 2015. The loan is...


5th October 2018 | By Sian McGuinness

Northern Quarter residents call for better protection of historical buildings in wake of collapses

Residents in the Northern Quarter have taken to Twitter to say they feel “abandoned” and “ignored” by the council as historic buildings in the area...