
12th November 2021 | By George Walden
Students from Manchester Metropolitan University represent global leaders in their own virtual COP26 summitStudents from Manchester Metropolitan University put themselves froward to take part in a mock version of Cop26 climate change summit. The summit, hosted in Glasgow, served as...

12th November 2021 | By George Walden
Manchester Friends of Earth activists take protest to COP26 summitMembers of an award-winning Manchester environment group held protests in Glasgow while world leaders gathered at Cop26. Friends of the Earth campaigns have won six awards...

10th November 2021 | By David Smith
Ardwick residents gather to fight climate change and move towards the goal of zero carbon emissionsArdwick residents and the Manchester Climate Change Agency came together at Brunswick Church for a local climate summit. With COP26 ending, around 30 Ardwick residents...

28th October 2021 | By [email protected]
Manchester city council behind on quarterly reductions in carbon emissionsManchester’s environment and climate change scrutiny committee was told that the council is unlikely to meet its quarterly reductions in carbon emissions. The council has already...

28th October 2021 | By Rebecca Redican
Man Met delegation prepares for COP26 to set target for net zero carbon emissionsA group of specialists in climate change and sustainability at Man Met are travelling to Glasgow to take part in the UN climate change conference...

20th October 2021 | By Rebecca Redican
Manchester Met students act as key players in mock COP26 climate change summitA Man Met Mock COP26 event gave students the opportunity to play the roles of members of the government, global activists and economists. The conference, which took...