Manchester campaigners demand an end to police brutality and SARS in Nigeria protest
- #EndSARS protestors want an end to police brutality in Nigeria
- Protests have been ongoing since early October
- Feminist Coalition are keeping protests safe through fundraising on Twitter
Campaigners took to the streets in Moston at the weekend to protest against police brutality in Nigeria.
Wearing personal protective equipment and following regulations, protestors gathered in Moston on Saturday morning holding placards saying #EndSARS – which stands for ‘Special Anti-Robbery Squad’ – as well as “end police brutality now”.
A new wave of protests began earlier this month and follows years of accusations of murder and police brutality in Nigeria.

The SARS is a Nigerian police force unit created in late 1992 to deal with crimes related to robbery, kidnapping and car theft.
Activist Emmanuel Akinwotu said: “They became the more brutal face of police and were eventually accused of extrajudicial killings, torture, corruption and robbery.
“Over the years Nigerians have essentially seen SARS become a replica of the criminal groups they were set up to address.”
Support began to gather on Twitter with various hashtags such as #EndSARS and #SARSMUSTEND.
For God and for country! #ENDSARS
— JJ. Omojuwa (@Omojuwa) October 17, 2020
The Nigerian government has promised it will dissolve SARS, but Emmanuel said this was “the fifth time they’ve promised reform”.
A campaigner at the Manchester protest, who did not wish to be named, said: “We don’t want reform we just want an end to it.
“The replacement of the force is so important as well because if we end something and there’s nothing to replace it with, we’re at risk of it happening again.
“We want to replace it with right living and right thinking and fight for the basic rights that people should have access to.
“Enough is enough.”
FeministCoalition is a Twitter account that has been praised for its work towards equality for all people in Nigeria.
They are currently fundraising for the #EndSARS movement in order to keep the protests as safe as possible.
We’re moving to only accepting donations in Bitcoin using BTC Pay. BTC Pay is a free, secure, decentralized and censorship-resistant platform, which makes it our best option, given the past few days #EndPoliceBrutalityinNigeria
Please donate here:
— feministcoalition (@feminist_co) October 15, 2020