How Saddleworth Round Table is virtually dashing to help local cause
- Saddleworth Round Table's annual Santa Dash event has gone virtual
- People of all ages will be doing their own routes to raise money for Oldham Foodbank
- Participants will share their runs and progress on social media and Strava.
Saddleworth’s popular Santa Dash which raises thousands of pounds for charity is being held online this Christmas because of COVID-19.
The Saddleworth Santa Dash is a popular event amongst the town every year and brings the community together to support local and small causes, however, this year, the actual event has been cancelled.
John Arthurs, chairman of the Saddleworth round table said: “Oldham council physically aren’t allowing event licenses due to the current coronavirus situation, however, we spoke to them about the possibility of a virtual event and we had a positive response”
The event is usually paired up with the Christmas light switch on, which sees hundreds of people of all ages dressed as Santa, complete a 5km or 2km route, raising money for a local cause.

This year, whilst the physical event won’t be going ahead, the Santa Dash will be done virtually.
John said: “We’re encouraging people to do it across a week and document their run(s) on Strava and through photos and videos and then post them to the Saddleworth Round Table Facebook page”
“Understandably this year we have had to reduce pricing this year, but we’re hoping this encourages more people to get involved, but we’ve had to limit the numbers to keep everyone safe”.
Adult tickets are £5 and it includes a Santa suit and finishers medal, whilst kids are £3 and get a Santa hat and finishers medal included.
John added: “We do this for a local cause each year and this year we’ve gone with Oldham Foodbank so we know it’s going back into the local community”
“Businesses and the locals have been fantastic, particularly Donkeystone Brewery, who have sponsored the medals and the events.”
Santa dashes will take place between 28 November and 5 December.