Exciting Plans Announced by Brookland Councillor on Reopening of Town hall

  • Councillor of Wythenshawe assures residents of Wythenshawe town hall
  • Renovations in Progress to Re-open townhall
  • Councillor appeals for support to support the plans

Brookland Councillor Susan Cooley has assured the public that renovations are underway to reopen the historic Wythenshawe Hall, with a vision to make it fully accessible to the community and educational institutions. 

“Many years ago, the hall was open to the public, but due to a terrible fire, it had to be shut down. Work has been done to reconstruct most of it, and it is much nicer now. The plan is to make it fully accessible to the public and schools,” Cooley stated. 

Wythenshawe Hall, once the home of the Tatton family for over 600 years, now belongs to the council. In 1926, Lord and Lady Simon donated the hall and its surrounding 250 acres of parkland to the city, aiming to provide a recreational space for the people of Manchester and beyond. The hall served as an art gallery and museum until its temporary closure in 2010. 

residents express enthusiasm the halls reopening

Barry Thorn, a 38-year-old Wythenshawe resident, shared his positive experiences at Wythenshawe Park. He commented, “An open house at the hall once a week so people can see the history of the town would be great.”

Brenda Wills, 27, also highlighted her enjoyment of the park but expressed a desire for more activities. “I love the place and enjoy strolling in the park in my free time, but I would be glad if there were more recreational activities to make the place livelier for visitors,” she said. 

councillor encourages residents

Councillor Cooley encouraged the community to form support groups to aid the council in enhancing the park. “The council does not have the money to do everything, but if we can get together as a group, we can bid for funding or certain grants. We can help and support them improve with their bids that can bring money in to improve and make the park better,” she explained. 

She emphasized the educational value of the hall, noting, “There is a lot of history at the hall that is studied in schools, and it is about bringing those histories back to life.” 

The reopening of Wythenshawe Hall represents not only the restoration of a historical landmark but also an opportunity for the community to engage with their heritage actively. The council’s plan aims to transform the hall into a vibrant centre for education and recreation, enriching the lives of residents and visitors alike. 

As the renovations progress, the community’s involvement and support will be crucial in realizing the vision for Wythenshawe Hall. Residents are encouraged to participate in fundraising efforts and volunteer activities to ensure the successful reopening and ongoing improvement of this cherished local asset. 

The council and local residents alike look forward to the day when Wythenshawe Hall can once again open its doors, offering a window into the past and a vibrant space for the future.