Communist graffiti appears in Fallowfield amid growing anger among students over fees
- Communist graffiti has appeared around Fallowfield student campus
- Young Communist League says it did not sanction graffiti
- Graffiti comes amid growing student anger at paying full tuition fees
Communist graffiti has appeared around The University of Manchester Fallowfield student campus in South Manchester.
It comes amid growing frustration among students having to pay full tuition fees despite receiving less compared to previous years.
The Young Communist League, whose initials can be seen on much of the graffiti, claim that those responsible are not known to the YCL but says they do not condemn their actions.
James Masterson, the YCL’s North West organiser, suggested that it was understandable that the graffiti appeared.
He said: “It’s more than likely that it was young people who are frustrated with the situation we find ourselves in because of Covid and that we’re paying a lot of money for not very much in return.”

Josh, a UoM student, thinks that the YCL have failed to take ownership of the issue of tuition fees and form a coherent opposition.
He said: “I think a lot of students are just angry. It’s a load of different people who are aligned against paying £9,000 a year.”
While many students support the fight against tuition fees, some feared that the link to communism might be divisive.

Lewis, another UoM student, said: “They sounds like an interesting group, but people wouldn’t want to be labelled as a communist.”
However, he conceded that: “If they’re behind the cause of students who are really struggling then why not.
“I don’t mind who does it so long as someone does it.”
Tallulah, also at UoM, echoed this: “I think if you’re fighting for what’s right your fighting for what’s right.”
While the communist element of the YCL may be divisive, James stressed that currently the focus is strictly on tuition fees.
He also suggested that their aim was not to ‘hijack’ important issues but to support students in various fights.
He said: “We want to support students in an issue that is cut and dry and that’s that they’re paying for something that amounts to almost nothing.
“It’s best left to students to push forward for themselves rather this group from outside coming in and taking over.”
The University of Manchester declined to comment on the graffiti.