Children painting a fence in colours along a park.

Cheetham Hill’s outstanding community warriors

From cleaning up greener spaces to daily children’s sporting activities, the real heroes of the community for Cheetham Hill is the Abraham Moss Warriors.

A group established now for over 2 decades has paved the way for creating more opportunities for children of Cheetham Hill and aiding a community to grow within a safe space. Within that time has won the Outstanding Community Contribution Award in 2022 by Forever Manchester.

A multi-cultural-led group is dedicated to supporting local children and families with sporting activities throughout the week and cleaning up local green spaces such as Smedley Park.

Local children looking after their local parks and community centres is keeping them inspired to stay out of anti-social behaviours and street gangs. Credit: Abraham Moss Warriors.

Cheetham Hill is one of the more deprived areas of Manchester especially inner-city crime rates rising. Recently reported that the north of Manchester area was 36.7 per cent likelier to be living in poverty or deprived in education, housing or health.  Abraham Moss Warriors has been an integral part of helping children avoid anti-social behaviours and establish more opportunities.

The greater impact on the moral of the community is a ‘positive and uplifting’ for the children and families of Cheetham.

The founder, June Kelly, has been a huge influence for the continued support of the group to keep thriving with activities and local projects all year around. ‘With different religions, backgrounds and ages all coming together’ with less opportunities than peers in other areas of Manchester is the real inspiration behind the group.

One of them most successful projects is their football teams. With the group now on a waitlist to join, its keep the community children high in spirits. Credit: Abraham Moss Warriors.

‘All different, all equal, all welcome’ is their way of encompassing this group to engage with everyone.

Events run throughout the week including groups sports like football, tennis, and swimming. They also host group activities for improving wellbeing and mental health with social action club, walk and talks and positive alternative sessions.

For more information visit Abraham Moss Warriors