Kill the Bill protestors take to streets to vent their fury against police, crime, sentencing and courts bills
- Hundreds march through city in protest against 'draconian' bill
- Activists says bill will curb democratic freedom to march and demonstrate
- Bill due to be discussed in House of Lords this week
Saint Peter’s Square was filled with hundreds of people on Saturday who were fighting against the police, crime, sentencing and courts bill
The bill, which was introduced by Home Secretary Priti Patel, is due to be voted on in the House of Lords this week.
Activists say the bill could make protesting a thing of the past.

The campaign group Kill the Bill believes the bill is a “direct attack on social movement and a direct attack on direct action” as it gives police more power to impose conditions on non-violent protest.
It says that under the bill things such as stopping traffic and making noise could be seen as a ‘serious annoyance’ and could be grounds to shut a demonstration down.

The Manchester demonstration was attended by hundreds of noisy protestors the crowd could be seen dancing people marched through the city accompanied by sounds of drums.