Kill The Bill

9th February 2022 | By Marina Argirova
Make Votes Matter demonstration against plans to make ID compulsory in polling stationPolitical activists gathered in St Peter’s Square to defend democratic rights they say are under threat from government plans in the Elections Bill. Protesters came...

17th January 2022 | By Sophie Sartorius
Kill the Bill protestors take to streets to vent their fury against police, crime, sentencing and courts billsSaint Peter’s Square was filled with hundreds of people on Saturday who were fighting against the police, crime, sentencing and courts bill The bill,...

7th October 2021 | By Ruby Fandino
‘I believe in freedom of speech and freedom of protest’: Jacob Rees-Mogg responds to Manchester demonstrationsThousands joined the People’s Assembly to protest the Conservative conference with a series of demonstrations and panel discussions over three days in central Manchester. People flooded the...

21st March 2021 | By Harry Hansen
Thousands gather in Manchester city centre for anti-police bill and Reclaim These Streets protestsThousands of protesters gathered in Manchester’s St Peter’s Square yesterday evening to speak out against violence to women and the proposed new police and crime...