Rio 2016

17th October 2016 | By dave porter
Olympics parade route

30th September 2016 | By nq_admin
Two golds and two world records: Kadeena Cox, MMU HeroKadeena, a MMU Sports student and the first Brit since Isabel Barr in the 1984 Summer Paralympics to win gold medals in two different sports...

5th August 2016 | By Pete Murray
On track in a last push for double golds – Kadeena Cox"You've just got to keep battling on," says Kadeena Cox, as she discusses final preparations with her coach ahead of the Rio Paralympics which begin...

3rd August 2016 | By nq_admin
No break in Olympic ambitions for MMU graduateNQ: What were your emotions when you first got selected for the 2016 Olympics trials? JW: Once I got the top two, I was really...