post office

26th October 2023 | By Anna Klekot
‘Safer streets’ planters in Withington: residents split over whether they help or are a hindranceResidents in Withington have raised their concerns over the recent instillation of planters on nine junctions in the area.

22nd February 2022 | By David Smith
Nick Wallis: the man who helped amplify the story of the UK’s largest ever miscarriage of justiceNick Wallis, the man who brought the Post Office scandal, the largest miscarriage of justice in British legal history, into the national discourse speaks to The...

21st February 2022 | By Rebecca Redican
‘From day one they knew it was no good’: former sub-postmaster was a victim of the Post Office Horizon scandalOver 700 sub-postmasters lost their jobs over flaws in an accounting software system. Some faced jail, numerous went bankrupt trying to repay money they did not owe and others took their own lives.

16th February 2022 | By David Smith
BBC reporter Nick Wallis to deliver talk about Horizon Post Office scandalVictims of the Horizon scandal are to speak about the scandalous treatment the received which led to jail terms for some and sub-postmasters losing their...

16th February 2022 | By Rebecca Redican
University staff and students launch Innocence Project promoting positive change in the justice systemManchester's Innocence Project has organised the talk on the Post Office Horizon scandal.