No deal

23rd October 2019 | By Pruthvi Khilosia
Final year students examine how Brexit will affect the arts and culture in ManchesterBusiness and high-rise corporations will not be the only thing affected by Brexit – the arts are also facing a time of major uncertainty. The...

18th January 2019 | By Joseph Chorlton
After Theresa May’s Brexit deal was rejected, what deals are still on the table?On Tuesday 15th January, Theresa May submitted her Brexit Deal proposal to MPs in the House of Commons. This bill was expected to be rejected...

14th January 2019 | By Elizabeth Harrison
Opinion: Should 16-17 year olds have a say on Brexit?As the due date for the UK to leave the EU draws close this year and a pressure for a second referendum is mounting, Manchester...

11th January 2019 | By Lewis Finney
Activist erect billboards under Russian GRU guiseA group of activists disguised as Russian GRU agents have claimed responsibility for a series of satirical billboards which have appeared throughout Manchester.Â