Manchester music scene

Richard Davis captured under the Hulme Archway. Credit - Makenna Ali

18th May 2024 | By Makenna Ali

Famous photographer Richard Davis shares his fascination with Hulme

Famous photographer Richard Davis shares the story behind his Hulme photography collection book which documents the area from the 1980s to the 1990s.


13th December 2018 | By nq_admin

Murder on the dancefloor: Local club The Ruby Lounge announces its closure

If there’s one thing the UK is known for its got to be its historical music scene and rich dance heritage culture and Manchester is...


26th November 2018 | By Harry Stafford

Is the guitar going out of fashion? And what does it mean for the guitar shops of Manchester?

Manchester has always championed guitar music in all its forms, from pop to punk, baggy rave to dance to Brit pop and beyond.  In the...