man met

23rd April 2018 | By Danielle Kenneally
Final year Man Met student standing for election as Labour councillor in StalybridgeStalybridge North Labour candidate Sam Gosling Just three years ago Man Met student Sam Gosling would not leave the house because of panic attacks and anxiety. Next...

28th March 2018 | By nq_admin
Former Man Met student caught up in Manchester Arena attack talks about the media’s response to the incidentAlicia Hattersley, a former MMU journalism student who was at the Ariana Grande concert, found herself bombarded with ‘insensitive’ messages from the media after a Northern Quota...

24th March 2016 | By dave porter
Cervantes and Shakespeare appear at Man MetCervantes meets Shakespeare in the latest in the latest event organised as part of MMU’s Humanities in Public season. The event, entitled Tilting at Windmills:...