
20th October 2020 | By Harry Hansen
Leaseholders call on the government to expand support to buildings under 18m tall with unsafe claddingResidents worried they will be charged for replacing unsafe cladding are campaigning for more government support. The Hulme Life building is in the highest fire risk...

14th June 2019 | By Isaac Jordan
Grenfell Fire – two years on, but many buildings in Greater Manchester still have dangerous claddingToday marks the two year anniversary of the Grenfell tower fire which tragically took the lives of 72 people and displaced multiple families out of their...

13th June 2019 | By Isaac Jordan
‘We don’t want people to experience the same pain we did’: survivor of Grenfell Tower visits Salford residents being forced to pay for new claddingMembers of Grenfell United, the campaign group created by survivors of the Grenfell fire disaster, visited residents in Salford in solidarity over a row over...