Students are ‘struggling’ to pay rent now Manchester is in tier three with covid restrictions
- Students say money worries are getting worse
- Masters students are left with just £700 per year after tuition fees
- Many finding it difficult to find work during pandemic
Students in Manchester say they are struggling to pay rent because tier three restrictions mean many of them face the possibility of losing their jobs.
With the recent change in rules, hospitality businesses have had to close, resulting in large numbers of students losing a main source of income.
The UK as whole has already suffered financially with the pandemic but many students feel forgotten.

Hannah Owen, a student doing a Masters in linguistics at MMU, said: “It’s common knowledge that masters students get less money than undergraduates.
“My loan covers my fees but after that I rely on money from work.
“Because of the way my lessons are being taught because of the pandemic, it’s impossible for me to work full time as planned. I have a lot less income than predicted and it really worries me.”
University of Manchester student, Molly Mulhaire said she was worried about the lack of financial support she was receiving.
“My loan leaves me with about £700 a year to live on after tuition fees,” she stated.
“It’s been pretty scary financially. I’ve signed for a house in Manchester and planned to look for a job in summer to pay for it but because of lockdown that wasn’t as easy and still now there are fewer job opportunities with lots more people applying for them since so many people have lost their jobs.”
There are hardship funds available for students at each Manchester university but all institutions in Manchester and the rest of the country are unable to give every student this extra financial support.
A statement issued by the NUS said: “Students’ budgets remain very tight, with basic needs (rent, utility bills, internet access for online learning and food) accounting for 71% of income on average.
“Add in 5% for additional course costs and 7% for travel, and over 80% of a student’s income is pre-allocated when they start the year.
“Worryingly, 20% of students have confirmed they will not be able to pay their rent and essential bills when they return to study later this month, and three in four students are anxious about paying their rent this term.”