
Campaign launched to raise awareness in speaking out about depression

  • MMU student Kelly Gkari leads Northern Quota campaign to raise awareness for the importance of  speaking openly about depression.



It is estimated that one of four people will deal with major depressive disorder (DDP) through their lives.

 About half of them will not ask for help from a GP or individual therapist.

The Speak Up campaign, with the motto 'Depression is Curable', aims at raising awareness against the importance of speaking openly about depression.

The goal is to make people feel less ashamed or guilty about what they experience in order to achieve a quicker recovery.


Yes, depression is not easy to deal with and it takes time and courage but no, you are not alone.

We encourage people who think they have depression symptoms to talk primarily to a person of trust and then to a professional.

Join us on Facebook and Twitter using the hashtag #SpeakUpNQ and on the campaign website.